
  • 性 别:
  • 职称:讲师
  • 学 历:博士研究生
  • 学院:化学化工学院
  • 系部所:化学工程系
  • 执教层次:硕士生导师
  • 电话:
  • 电子邮箱:yuanzhengqiu@126.com




(1) 2013-09 2016-06, 中国科学院广州能源研究所, 热能工程, 博士

(2) 2010-09 2013-06, 湘潭大学, 化学工程与技术, 硕士

(3) 2006-09 2010-06, 湖南科技大学, 化学工程与工艺, 学士



(1) 2018-07 湖南科技大学, 化学化工学院, 讲师

(2) 2016-07 2018-06, 北京大学,博士后





[1]. 湖南省自然科学青年基金:甲基磺酸诱导解构-重构法促进纤维素类生物质高效水解及机理研究,2020JJ5159,主持,2020-2022,5万

[2]. 北京市重点实验室开放基金:甲基磺酸诱导绿色拆解与重构法制备高反应活性纤维素,2020-2021,主持,3万

[3]. 湖南省教育厅科研项目一般项目:小分子醛对纤维素氢键抑制及过程中分子结构演变研究,18C0354,主持,2018-2020,1万

[4]. 湖南科技大学博士启动基金项目:纤维素类生物质高效预处理和催化定向转化制备多元醇,E51959,主持,2019-2021,5万

[5]. 湖南省教学改革项目:基于高等教育国际化背景下化工原理实验教学改革,HNJG-2020-0491,主持

[6]. 《化工原理》湖南省线上线下混合一流课程,主讲

[7]. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 重大项目:纤维素/半纤维素定向催化转化制备重要二元醇, 21690081,2017-2021, 412.67万元,参与



[1]. Gaopan Dong, Zhengqiu Yuan*, Xiujuan Guo*. Functional properties of nano-SiO2/pinewood-derived cellulose acetate composite film for packaging application. Industrial Crops and Products. 2023. 204: 11723.

[2]. Min Zou, Chao Tan, Zhengqiu Yuan*, Ming Wu, Jian Jian, Lei Zhang, Yan Zhang, Zhou Ma, Hu Zhou*. In situ preparation of Ag@AgCl/Bio-veins composites and their photocatalytic activity and recyclability. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2023. 17: 906–917.

[3]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Yangfeng Wu, Jianxian Zeng, Xiaoyan Li, Kairong Zang, Hu Zhou. Modified nano-SiO2/PU hydrophobic composite film prepared through in-situ coupling by KH550 for oil-water separation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023. 30: 52958-52968. 

[4]. 袁正求,曾邹果,周虎,曾坚贤,蹇建,刘国清. 化工原理课程立体化知识体系的构建与实践. 化工高等教育. 2022. 39(6): 122-126.

[5]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Wei Dai, Xiaoyan Li, Yangfeng Wu, Kairong Zang, Jianxian Zeng, Jian Jian, Hu Zhou. Improvement of the functional properties of cellulose acetate film by incorporating with glycerol and n‑propanol. Cellulose. 2022. 29: 7823–7836.

[6]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Wei Dai, Shenghong Zhang, Fengxin Wang, Jian Jian, Jianxian Zeng, Hu Zhou. Heterogeneous strategies for selective conversion of lignocellulosic polysaccharides, Cellulose, 2022, 29: 3059-3077. 

[7]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Huizhi Yang, Chengfeng Li, Pan Xu, Jian Jian, Jianxian Zeng, Lingwei Zeng, Yuguang Sui, Hu Zhou. Facile in situ synthesis of silver nanocomposites based on cellulosic paper for photocatalytic applications.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research . 2021, 28: 6411-6421.

[8]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Jinxing Long, Xinghua Zhang, Tiejun Wang, Riyang Shu, Longlong Ma. Intensification effect of peroxide hydrogen on the complete dissolution of lignocellulose under mild condition.  RSC Advances . 2016. 6: 41032-41039.

[9]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Jinxing Long, Tiejun Wang, Riyang Shu, Qi Zhang, Longlong Ma. Process intensification effect of ball milling on the hydrothermal pretreatment for corn straw enzymolysis.  Energy Conversion and Management , 2015, 101: 481-488.

[10]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Jinxing Long, Tiejun Wang, Yuqin Li, Qi Zhang, Longlong Ma. Cascade enzymatic hydrolysis coupling with ultrafine grinding pretreatment for sugarcane bagasse saccharification.  Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 28: 355-360.

[11]. Zhengqiu Yuan, Jinxing Long, Ying Xia, Xinghua Zhang, Tiejun Wang, Longlong Ma. Production of levulic acid from  Pennisetum alopecuroides in the presence of acid catalyst.  Bioresources . 2016, 11: 3511-3523.

[12]. 袁正求, 龙金星, 张兴华, 夏莹, 王铁军, 马隆龙. 木质纤维素催化转化制备能源平台化合物.  化学进展 , 2015, 28: 103-110.

[13]. Xinghua Zhang, Zhengqiu Yuan, Tiejun Wang, Qi Zhang, Longlong Ma. Effect of the temperature on the dissolution of corn straw in ethanol solution. RSC Advances. 2016. 6: 102306-102314.

[14]. Jinxing Long, Zhengqiu Yuan, Hao Ma, Riyang Shu, Xuehui Li. Catalytic synthesis of trimethylolpropane in the presence of basic ionic liquid. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 2015, 31(2): 337-343.

[15]. Yuqin Li, Zhenqiu Yuan, Jinxiu Mu, Di Chen, Bo Feng. Proteomic analysis of lipid accumulation in Chlorella protothecoides cells by heterotrophic N deprivation coupling cultivation. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27: 4031-4040.

[16]. Yuqin Li, Zhenqiu Yuan, Jinxiu Mu, Di et al. Potato feedstock as an organic carbon source for efficient biomass and lipid production by the heterotrophic microalga Chlorella protothecoides. Energy & Fuels. 2013, 27: 3179-3185.


[1]. 袁正求,朱红艳,金灿,龙润芝,曾邹果,李明劼,李晓艳,周虎. 一种利用废弃木质生物质制备可生物降解透明薄膜的方法.ZL202110004238.1

[2]. 袁正求,曾邹果,龙润芝,朱红艳,韩荣,陈柳,石顺存,周虎. 一种利用废弃纸张制备可生物降解透明薄膜的方法. ZL202110003672.8 

[3]. 袁正求,伍萍,陈雪梅,金灿,韩荣,陈柳,石顺存,周虎. 一种增强型醋酸纤维素透明复合薄膜的制备方法. ZL202110004247.0 

[4]. 袁正求,李奇峰,伍萍,陈雪梅,李亮,冯志龙,戴薇,周虎. 一种增强型聚氨酯透明复合薄膜的制备方法. ZL202110003673.2

[5]. 袁正求,龙润芝,朱红艳,伍萍,李奇峰,曾邹果,杨慧芝,周虎. 聚苯胺基多元杂化膜及其制备方法和应用. ZL202011552867.X

[6]. 袁正求,黎政,李晓艳,臧开蓉,曾坚贤,周虎. 一种利用废弃木质生物质制备木塑复合轻质高强材料的方法. CN202211275180.5

[7]. 袁正求,黎政,李晓艳,臧开蓉,曾坚贤,周虎. 一种全生物降解木塑复合轻质高强材料的制备方法. CN202211275272.3

[8]. 郭霖,袁正求,蹇建,彭艳,张枝. 一种疏水性复合膜的制备方法. ZL202010053321.3

[9]. 王铁军, 袁正求, 马隆龙, 龙金星, 刘琪英, 张琦, 张兴华. 一种木质纤维素全组分溶解的混合溶剂及溶解方法. 201510398793.1

