曾令玮,博士,副教授,毕业于中国科学院福建物质结构研究所,任化学化工学院化工系教师。主要从事稀土光电功能材料的研究,近年来主持省厅级项目4项、参与国家自然科学基金项目多项。近年来在《Scripta.Mater.》、《Dalton Trans.》、《J. Alloy. Compd.》、《Ceram. Int.》等国外刊物上以第一或通讯作者公开发表论文多篇,并合作发表论文在《Sci. Adv.》、《Adv. Mater.》、《Adv. Funct. Mater.》、《Adv. Sci.》、《Laser Photonics Rev.》、《Adv. Opt. Mater.》等高水平期刊上多篇。
2002.09-2006.06 中南大学化学化工学院 应用化学专业
2007.09-2012.06 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 材料物理与化学专业
2013.07-至今 湖南科技大学化学化工学院 化学工程系
[1] 湖南省教育厅科研优秀青年项目: 新型碱土离子掺杂钒酸镧纳米晶荧光探针的设计及液相检测Cu2+研究(22B0503)2023.01-2025.12
[2] 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目: 异价离子掺杂调控上转换钒酸镧纳米晶结构及构效关系研究(2021JJ30236)2021.01-2023.12
[3] 湖南省青年人才联合基金: 半导体纳米晶中稀土离子的高浓度体相掺杂及热稳定性研究(2015JJ6036)2015.01-2017.12
[4] 湖南省教育厅科研一般项目: 均匀的Eu3+: CeO2中空微球:形成机制及发光性能研究(15C0526)2015.01-2017.12
[1] D.H. Hu, S.S. Lin*, T. Pang, L.W. Zeng, G.Y. Xi, F.L. You, T.S. Wu, X.S. Li*, B. Wang, L. Lei, F. Huang, D.Q. Chen*, Ultra-Narrowband Green-Emitting Transparent Composite Ceramics for Laser-Driven Display, Adv. Mater., 2025, 37, 202414957.
[2] D. Li, Z.B. Wang*, S. Zheng, N.Z. Jiang, C.C. Feng, X.M. Wu, H.L. Huang, T. Pang, L.W. Zeng, R.D. Zhang, F. Huang, D.Q. Chen*, Full-Spectrum Carbon Dots Electroluminescent White Light-Emitting Diodes with a Record Color Rendering Index of 94, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2025, 35, 2424929.
[1] M.J. Chen, L.W. Zeng*, H. Zhou, J.X. Zeng, X. Wang, T. Pang, J.F. Tang*, D.Q. Chen*, Systematic study on the intensified upconversion performance of LaVO4:Yb3+/Er3+ nanocrystals through Ti4+ ions doping by combining experiments and DFT calculations, Ceram. Int. 2024, 50, 19017-19024.
[2] H. Xiao, L.W. Zeng, L. Lei, D.Q. Chen*, Research Progress of Femtosecond Laser-Printed Perovskite Quantum Dots in Amorphous Glass, Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 2024, 536, 2400152.
[3] S. Zheng, Z.B. Wang*, N.Z. Jiang, H.L. Huang, X.M. Wu, D. Li, Q. Teng, J.Y. Li, C.H. Li, J.S. Li, T. Pang, L.W. Zeng, R.D. Zhang, F. Huang, L. Lei, T.M. Wu, F.L. Yuan*, D.Q. Chen*, Ultralow voltage-driven efficient and stable perovskite light-emitting diodes, Sci. Adv. 2024(10), eadp8473.
[4] Z.K. Yu, J.Z. Zhao, Z.Z. Yang, Y. Mou, H.J. Zhang, R.P. Xu, Q. Wang, L.W. Zeng, L. Lei, S.S. Lin, H. Li, Y. Peng,* D.Q. Chen,* M.X. Chen, A Novel PiGF@Diamond Color Converter with a Record Thermal Conductivity for Laser-Driven Projection Display, Adv. Mater., 2024, 36, 2406147.
[5] G.Y. Xi, ZZ. Zhou, J. Li, L.W. Zeng, S.S. Lin*, P.F. Wang, H. Lin, Y.S. Wang, S. Zhou, F. Huang, G.L. Chen, D.Q. Chen*, Transparent composite ceramic@aluminum with ultra-high thermal conductivity for high-brightness laser-driven lighting, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2024, 34, 2401026.
[6] M.J. Zhang, S.L. Jin, T. Pang, B. Lin, T.M. Wu,* L.W. Zeng, L. Lei, D.Q. Chen*, A Single-Component Sb/Ho: Cs2Na0.9Ag0.1(In/Bi)Cl6 White Phosphor with a Record Color Rendering Index of 97.4, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2024, 34, 2407584.
[1] M.J. Chen, L.W. Zeng*, H. Zhou, J.X. Zeng, X. Wang, T. Pang, J.F. Tang*, D.Q. Chen*, Enhanced upconversion luminescence in LaVO4:Yb3+/Er3+ nanorods through Ba2+ ions doping, Ceram. Int. 2023, 49, 32000-32007.
[2] J. Luo, Z.H. Xiao, L.W. Zeng, J.H. Xu, J. Liu, G.N. Li, C.M. Li, H. He, J.F. Tang*, Germanate-based oxyfluoride transparent glass-ceramic embedded with Tm3+:Ca2YbF7 nanocrystals for high-performance optical thermometer, Ceram. Int. 2023, 49, 4193-4203.
[3] J.H. Xu, J. Luo, L.W. Zeng, Y.Q. Tao, G.N. Li, C.M. Li, J. Liu, L. Zhou, S.S. Hu, J. Yang, F.L. Lin, J.F. Tang*, Comparative study of red-emitting pyrophosphate phosphors: Site-selective replacement of Eu3+ and luminescent properties, Ceram. Int. 2023, 49, 17271-17282.
[4] C.B. He, Z.H. Xiao, L.W. Zeng, T. Jin, J. Liu, G.N. Li, H. He, L. Zhou, J. Yang, C.M. Li, J.F. Tang*, Full-spectrum and tunable white light emission of germanate glass-ceramic containing defective Zn2GeO4 and Mn2+ ions, Ceram. Int. 2023, 49, 35254-35263.
[5] J. Luo, Z.H. Xiao, L.W. Zeng, C.B. He, J. Liu, G.N. Li, C.M. Li, H. He, L. Zhou, J. Yang, J.F. Tang*, Combinatorial ratiometric strategy for continuously highly sensitive thermometry in transparent germanate glass-ceramic containing upconversion nanocrystals, Ceram. Int. 2023, 49, 39259-39268.
[1] L.W. Zeng*, Z.Y. Li, H. Zhou, J.X. Zing, G.Q. Liu, Z.Q. Yuan, J.F. Tang**, Facile synthesis of Sr2+-doped LaVO4:Eu3+ nanostructures: Morphology evolution, luminescence modulation and turn-off fluorescent probe for selectively detecting Cu2+ ions with high sensitivity, Ceram. Int., 2022, 48, 23249-23257.
[2] Z.T. Qin, J.H. Xu, L.W. Zeng, J. Liu, G.N. Li, C.M. Li, S.S. Hu, J. Yang, J.F. Tang *, Hydrothermal synthesis of anisotropic SrGe4O9:Yb3+/Er3+ nanorods and optimized upconversion luminescence for optical temperature sensing, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 7394–7404.
[3] Z.Q. Zhang , Z.T. Qin , L.W. Zeng , J. Liu , G.N. Li , C.M. Li , J. Yang , J.A. Capobianco**, J.F. Tang *, Yb3+/Er3+ co-dope Gd2Te4O11 nanosheets with intrinsic polarity: One-step hydrothermal synthesis and upconverted optical temperature measuring ability, Ceram. Int., 2022, 48, 13960-13969.
1. 2019年湖南省科技进步二等奖(排名4)
2. 湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文2021-2023年度二等奖和三等奖、2019-2021年三等奖、2017-2019年度二等奖
3. 湖南省大学生课外化学化工类创新作品竞赛三等奖(17,18,19,21,23)年度、二等奖(24)年度